Sometimes we wake up to difficult mornings and we just want to stay in bed all day. But I guess there's so much power in getting up and declaring that no matter how low I feel today, I'm going to rock this day and make it the most awesome day in every way I can.
So this morning, I found myself making fried (bless our broken oven) Chicken Empanada. Kneading the soft dough is therapeutic and creating something that I know will nourish my body and will make the people at our house happy lifted my spirit. It turned out really good, even my baby loved it. The crust had a flaky texture even it's not baked. Knowing I made an improved version of my Hotcake Empanada (I thought the recipe said 6 cups of water instead of 6 tablespoons, hence the name.) made me feel the chance to make things better is in my hands.
I blessed the food, shared it, and enjoyed it. I tasted grace & felt life's beauty again.