Free Stuff: Messy Desktop Wallpaper

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Do you love saving files on your desktop? I do. Yep, I do it all the time. Looove dumping files on the desktop! I thought that if I find it too hard to file my documents neatly in folders like my husband does, maybe there's a way I could "clean up" my desktop somehow. I quickly made a desktop wallpaper after breakfast today and came up with a partitioned design with sections for home, personal, work & biz, blog & tech, inspirations & play. Ah, my desktop looks so much better now. Here's how it looks like in action:

If you want this for your desktop too, you can click the download button below. This fits a 1280x800 screen and the layout is ideal for a Mac with bottom icons but if your screen has a different resolution, let me know and I'll consider that when I update this post or on my next wallpaper freebie post. Stay safe on this rainy morning, everyone!


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